We took the Flying Dolphin hydrafoil from Ermioni to Piraeus and then the #96 bus from Piraeus to Athens Airport.
The taxi to Ermioni cost €20 and took about 20 minutes. We left Kilada at 0900 to catch the 1025 ferry and had plenty of time for coffee before the ferry arrived in Ermioni.
The day before, we went on the Hellenic Seaways website
www.hsw,gr to book and pay for our tickets which cost €29.50 per person. The taxi will drop you at the Hellenic Seaways ticket office where you give them your reservation number and they print out your tickets.
The flying Dolphin ride takes 2 hours with brief stops at Hydra and Poros. There was no snack service onboard, so you need to bring your own.
After arrival in Piraeus, you walk out of the gate onto the main road and walk about 500 m toward the north and cross the road to the
bus stop and ticket kiosk. The bus took over an hour to the airport but cost only €3.20 per person.
It is also possible to rent a car in Kilada for about €90 and drive one way to the airport, if you are confident drving and navigating in Greece, but we decided to take the less stressful taxi/ferry/bus route for a total of €85.40 for two of us(€20 taxi + 2x€29.50 ferry + 2x€3.20 bus).
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 18-Sep-2010
Flying Dolphin to Athens (Transport)
Costs €29.50 to Piraeus
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 18-Sep-2010
Hellenic Seaways Ticket Office (Transport)
Bus to Athens (Bus)
There is also a bus to Athens from Kranidi which takes about 3 hours. You can catch the 1020 bus from the shipyard gate to Kranidi and the 11 am bus to Athens. The bus stops at the central bus station in Athens and there are regular #93 busses from the central station to the airport. This takes about an hour.
Howard and Jayne [ Just Imagine ] 08-Dec-2012