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Southbounders cruising noptes on Gautamala

Howard [ Just Imagine ] 09-Apr-2009

Antigua Guatemala (Excursion)

Antigua, a quaint old colonial town, is nestled in a mountain valley about 5000 feet above sea level and surrounded by three smoldering volcanoes towering to 9000 feet. 
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 09-Apr-2009

Chichicatenango (Excursion)

Chi-chi  holds alocal Indian market on Thursday and Sunday every week selling textiles and everyday staples such as beans, rice, spices, fruits and vegetables.

Native dress, the women in woven skirts and colorfully embroidered blouses and the men wearing similar garments. 


Howard [ Just Imagine ] 09-Apr-2009

Panajachel, Lago de Atitlán‎ (Excursion)

Panajachel, nicknamed Gringotenango, is a small tourist community on the shores of the lake. The lake was formed from a volcanic crater and is also bordered by three active volcanoes. It is about eight miles across and 1000 feet deep. 

Howard [ Just Imagine ] 09-Apr-2009

Puerto Quetzal (Town Dock)


Call the port captain for permission to enter If there is no answer, proceed in anyway. Anchor in the middle of the naval base with Q flag and wait for them to come to your boat to check you in. (Could take a while)

Expensive stop. Port Captain $100.00 US to check in (which includes the first 5 days of anchorage), then $10.00 US a day .  Visas $10.00. 

Bus and walk to immigration. $40 for check in for 5 days.

Inexpensive bus service to Guatemala City (about a $2.50 US for 2.5 hour ride). then $1.50 for another hour to Antigua. Sounds like an all dy trip. Expect live chickens on the bus.

Howard [ Just Imagine ] 09-Apr-2009