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We thought Licata a convenient stopover. Fortunately we discovered that this city had much more to offer. The new breakwater, outside the old one, has created an area ideal for anchoring. Pure, white sand and good anchorage. The pilot informed that the families practised the "passeggiata", promenading their daughter, ready to be married. We experienced the "passeggiata" slightly different: In the evening all the young came down to the portal area, on their scooters, motorcycles, cars. Slowly circulating.
We went to look up the tourist office, but found it vacant. However, from a bar came a charming lady, ready to serve us. Wonderful how people, with few customers, get engaged when you start asking for information.
Being in Licata, you should take the efforts to climb up to the cemetery. As a Scandinavian we never stop to be impressed by how much people, down here, put in efforts to remember their ancestors. The wealthy families have erected real mansions, Egyptian style, with swinx and everything - two stories high.
On the way up, look out for an old lady, keen to make contact. She started to sweep the street, just to be there when we came. Unfortunately our Italian was only good for some short comment, which she appreciated.
Reprinted from home.online.no/~pernoll/, with permission of Signe and Gaute on s/y Pernoll 2004
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 23-Jun-2006