I am looking for a Ship ‘n’ Skip’ (A motor-sailor with a motorized "zodiac") capable of taking along 3 passengers on a Hawaii-Tahiti and/or Tahiti-Hawaii passage for archeological-anthropological reasons during either February/March or May/June of 2013. This would NOT be a “pleasure cruise” and would be in connection with a book, documentary and screenplay, involving stops at Kiritimati/Christmas, Malden and Vostok stretching from Opoa, Raiatea, in the south to Ka'ula, Hawaii, in the north and lasting up to a month to complete.
The project/documentary will follow the ancient Hawaiian course found in the legend of the voyaging king of Kaua’i, Mo’ikeha, almost 1,000 years ago. As I like to say, while Polynesian Archeology explains where they sailed and Polynesian wayfinding explains how they sailed, Polynesian legends explain WHY they sailed. This project will bring together science, seafaring and storytelling into a singular film experience.
We are just now moving into the pre-production phase of the documentary project and, if all goes well, we may be on O’ahu in time for the Aloha Festival (if not sooner) to shoot the trailer. For general information on the project, please follow the link below to the project's Facebook page:
If you can help, please contact me as soon as possible through the Facebook page (or here).
Fair winds and following seas to you.
Kili Sands [ Paddler Productions ] 19-Jun-2012Howard [ Just Imagine ] 05-Feb-2008
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 14-Feb-2008Howard [ Just Imagine ] 14-Feb-2008
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 14-Feb-2008
Waikiki Beach (Beach)
Big Island
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 14-Feb-2008