A wonderful, all day trip down a winding river to Trapper Nelsons camp for your own picnic lunch, and then a strenuous paddle through open waters to the take out point, where you and your canoe are picked up and returned by bus to your car at the starting point.
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 29-Jan-2008
Canoe Outfitters of Florida (Excursion)
Canoe/dbl kayak w/2 people $50.00
Canoe w/3 people $60.00
Single kayak $40.00
A deposit of $50.00 per boat or MasterCard
located on the south side of the street, in Riverbend Park, one mile west of 95 and the Turnpike on Rt. 706 in Jupiter, Florida
Toll Free: 888.272.1257
E:mail: canoecof@aol.com
Local: 561.746.7053
www.canoeskayaksflorida.comHoward [ Just Imagine ] 27-Jan-2003
Trapper Nelson Camp, lunch stop (Excursion)
After a few hours of somewhat challenging but spectacular, winding river above, this is a pleasant and welcome lunch stop at an historic site.
Trapper Nelson (Vincent Nostokovich), the "Tarzan of the Loxahatchee", lived here alone for many years, eaking his living out of the everglades, trading furs and catching fish. He also had a wildlife park and zoo here, that was visited by tourboats coming up the river.
He bought up land and ended up owning about 800 acres in the area. Trapper died mysteriously in 1968 from a shotgun wound to the stomach.
There are no restaurant facilties here today so you need to bring your your own lunch and supplies. There are nice picnic tables near the river.
You may encounter a park ranger at the museum in Trapper Nelson's house.
The river is wider and straighter after the camp and you get all sorts of boats, including power boats and tour boats, coming up from downstream.
More about Trapper NelsonHoward and Jayne [ Just Imagine ] 08-Jan-2004
Take out point (Excursion)
This is the end of the journey where you are met by a bus with a large canoe trailer to take you back to your car at the starting point.
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 04-Jan-2005