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Hamilton is the capital of Bermuda. It is a pretty town focussed on tourists and shopping. Some exclusive clothing and perfume shops to choose from, and many wonderful restaurants and bars.
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 31-May-2005

Ferry to Somerset (Transport)

We rode the ferry from Hamilton to Somerset Dockyard. You can buy an all day ticket for $12.

Click here for the Ferry Schedule.
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 24-Oct-2008

Royal Bermuda Yacht Club (Point of Interest)

Howard [ Just Imagine ] 24-Oct-2008

P W marine (Chandlery)

An excellent chandlery that stocks just about everything you might need
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 24-Oct-2008

Bus terminus (Bus)

This is where the bus stops, to and from St Georges
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 24-Oct-2008

Cock and Feather (Bar)

Sad to hear that the Cock and Feather has been redeveloped into the Pickled Onion. The Cock and Feather had been a landmark in Hamilton for many years. Is nothing sacred?
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 24-Oct-2008
Another traditional, must stop bar on the waterfront.
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 24-May-2005