I rented a bike in town and had a wonderful days ride down to the beaches on the south coast.
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 22-Apr-2006
Another lovely beach (Beach)
Many beautiful beaches (Beach)
Cliff view (Excursion)
This was the the furtherest point on my bike tour, past and old hotel(that was closed) to the top of the cliffs where there were some old bunkers and a terrific view of the cliffs to the east.
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 22-Apr-2006
La Colonnes (Point of Interest)
I may have the name wrong, but it refers to these amazing megalith columns.
A very picturesque walk along the cliffs.
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 15-Jan-2008
Nude beach (Beach)
A poster map of the island in a shop window in town showed a naked lady at this beach, but I was the only person there on the day that I went.
I carried the bicycle with me, down the path on the eastern side, to the beach.
Had quite an adventure when I tried to hike back to the road on the western side of the beach, traversing cliffs, forests, farmers fields and old ruined buildings and roads before finding my way back to the highway. All of this with the bike over my shoulder.
When I reached the road I discovered that my camera had jumped out of it's pouch on my belt. I hid the bike in a bush and ran back, and miraculously found the camera hidden under a bush that I had jumped through.
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 15-Jan-2008