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Date visited
A great town with many tourists.
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 15-Aug-2006

Contract Yacht Services (Services)

Owner Joe Charlton.

Phone +30 264 502 4490. They are located a few meters from the town dock in Levkas.

CYS removed my heat exchanger that was leaking saltwater to fresh and we sat on the dock for a week while they tried unsuccessfully to source a replacement part.

Each day I would go into the office and be told, "nothing yet, we are working on it, but we are very busy".

At the end of the week they expressed regrets that they were unable to source the part.

I took back the old heat exchanger and traced which tubes were leaking using a dinghy pump and soap bubbles and then tried to plug them up with sealant and some electrical wire that fit the tubes exactly. Didn't work too well, but at least it got us up to Corfu where we could get a new heat exchanger sourced by Keith Fisher
Howard and Jayne [ Just Imagine ] 13-Aug-2006

Dockage (Town Dock)

We anchored, bow-to along this wall.
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 30-Dec-2007

Fuel Dock (Fuel)

Levkas Marina (Marina)

Levkas Port Authority (Formalities)

Above the bus station and supermarket
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 30-Dec-2007

Crepes (Food)

Near the waterfront on northern end of town there are some terrific crepe places.

They have two large, round hot plates in the window which they cover with a thin layer of batter to cook the crepes.

The crepes are then wrapped and filled to order with savory (cheese, meat, tomatoes etc) or sweet fillings.

We did not try the sweet ones, but went back at every opportunity for the savory ones which were delicious.
Howard and Jayne [ Just Imagine ] 21-Mar-2008