St Georges is a delightfully quaint village steeped in English history.
We came into the customs dock to clear in, and then went out to anchor for a few days. We then came in and rafted up at Somer's Wharf.
Howard and Jayne [ Just Imagine ] 21-May-2005
Customs Dock (Formalities)
Customs and immigration are located in the building just west of the customs dock.
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 31-Dec-1969
The Anchorage (Anchorage)
Good holding and well out of the way of cruise ships.
The day before we arrived, a large cruise ship had entered the harbor in 30 knots of wind, which is prohibited. The cruise ship had a problem as they were docking, and swung out from the dock and picked up a yachts anchor chain in it's propellers. The yacht was dragged up to the cruise ship and quite badly damaged, although all survived unscathed.
When we entered St Georges, some time later, there were several repremandary announcements on VHF warning yachts to stay away from the cruise ships. It was later determined that the yacht was in no way to blame, and the cruise ship should not have entered St Georges harbour in those conditions.
Right or wrong, it is probably advisable to stay well away from the cruise ships.
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 22-May-2005
Somers Wharf (Town Dock)
It did not cost anything to dock here, but it was quite a scramble up the high stone wall.
Be careful of a shoal on the approach to the wharf near the piling.
For the first few days we were rafted up outside another boat, and when they left, we moved in against the high stone wall and someone raft ed outside of us.
Howard and Jayne [ Just Imagine ] 23-May-2005
Fuel Dock (Fuel)
The fuel dock is just to the west of Somers wharf.
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 27-Jan-2008
Tico-matic Laundry (Laundry)
Deck leaks and consistent head winds and seas on the passage from Fort Lauderdale resulted in huge loads of wet and mouldy laundry.
The big machines at the Ticomatic laundry were a blessing.
Take a right when you walk through the town square and walk about 100 meters up the hill toward the east.
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 24-May-2005
Bus stop to Hamilton (Bus)
The bus stop is up the stairs to the left of the Mayor's internet cafe, on the main road.
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 24-Oct-2008
A small supermarket (Supermarket)
Fort St Catherine (Historic)
Worth a visit.
Can be combined with a good snorkel at Tobacco cove next door.
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 24-Oct-2008
The Carriage House (Restaurant)
This is a fine restaurant serving roast prime rib, lamb with rosemary, and panfried wahoo. [ Just Imagine ] 24-Oct-2008
The Mayors Internet Cafe (Internet)
The mayor of St. Georges, (who used to be the town crier) runs a cozy Internet café off the small square above Somers Wharf.
He has a remarkable Cockatoo parrot that wanders around, at will, performing for the clients.
One day we saw him sitting on a branch in the tree outside, and he started performing, like he was on a stage, squawking like he was being murdered, and rolling over and over on the branch. He attracted quite a crowd of onlookers. After a few minutes of performance, he would almost take a bow, and then walk off the "stage" into the greenery of the tree.
A minute later he would re-appear for an encore performance.
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 24-Oct-2008
The Town Square
You are transported back to the 18th century in the Town Square. There are stocks to punish the wicked, and at certain times of the day, the Town Crier dressed in period costume, comes out ringing his bell to read the daily news.
Usually on the agenda is the punishment of a wench that has spoken rudely to her husband or some such other ill. This involves putting her in a special device called a ducking stool, like a big see-saw, and she is then immersed in the harbor water, several times, depending on how quickly she repents.
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 24-Oct-2008
The White Horse Tavern (Bar)
It is traditional, if not compulsory, to stop in to the White Horse for a
Dark and Stormy or two (or three........).
A Dark and stormy is a drink made from Goslings Dark Rum (the dark part) and ginger beer (the stormy part). It has to be good and tangy gingerbeer, which is difficult to find, west of Bermuda.
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 24-Oct-2008
Replica of Deliverance (Point of Interest)
Replica of the ship that was built by the shipwrecked founders of Bermuda to sail on to Virginia and, later, return to Bermuda.
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 24-Oct-2008
Town Cut (Waterway)
The man made entrance to St Georges. Try to avoid the cut when cruise ships are coming or going.
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 24-Oct-2008